Interactive command line prompt
A self-contained interactive command prompt, with commands, properties and autocomplete.
- Self contained prompt buffer handling
- Declarative programming API
- Command nesting with quasi directories
- Properties with validation
- Autocomplete
Sample usage
// Simple ranged integer property
let mut num1 = 1;
// Rust stdout terminal
let mut terminal = StdoutTerminal;
let options = PromptBufferOptions { echo: true, ..Default::default() };
let mut prompt = PromptBuffer::new(options);
let input_keys = [Key::Character('h' as u8), Key::Character('e' as u8), Key::Character('l' as u8),
Key::Character('p' as u8), Key::Newline];
for key in &input_keys {
let p = prompt.handle_key(*key, &mut terminal, |mut m| {
if let Some(mut ctx) = m.command("help") {
// Provides "num1/get" and "num1/set", with input validation
if let Some(mut ctx) ="num1", validate_property_min_max(1, 100)) {
ctx.apply(&mut num1);
if let PromptEvent::Break = p {